Postdoctoral Fellowship at the Cluster of Excellence «The Politics of Inequality» – University of Konstanz (Alemania)
Organismo: University of Konstanz
Proposal for a research project (max. 4 pages) to be pursued during the fellowship
A short letter of motivation detailing why becoming a Fellow would be helpful to the applicant´s career and research, and explaining the applicant´s contribution to the Cluster Curriculum Vitae and a list of publications Certification of a completed doctoral degree or confirmation of a submitted/ submittable thesis (issued by the main doctoral advisor)
Two letters of reference
The Research Proposal should include information on a) the goals to be achieved during the fellowship, b) research question(s), methods and potential follow-ups of the proposed project, c) the feasibility and relevance of the project and its fit with the Cluster´s research agenda
Please submit your application as a single PDF file via our Online Application Portal
For more information on the Cluster and its research projects, please visit:
For Frequently Asked Questions, please consult the FAQ section. Further questions can be directed to the Cluster´s Managing Office:
Plazo de presentación: Hasta 13/12/2020
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