Convocatoria: 1 PhD position – University of Oldenburg (Plazo: 15 de junio de 2022)

1 PhD position – University of Oldenburg

Organismo: University of Oldenburg


  • A Master’s degree or an equivalent degree (e.g. Magister, Dipl.-Uni) in social sciences, preferably in sociology, demography, economics, statistics, or related fields 


  • Please send your application, including a cover letter, full contact details, curriculum vitae, relevant references (certified copies of degrees and/or previous positions), and a scientific writing sample (e.g. bachelor or master thesis or empirical term paper) preferably via e-mail in a single pdf file (max. 3MB), to Alternatively, you may send your application by post to Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg, FK I – Bildungs- und Sozialwissenschaften, Institut für Sozialwissenschaften, Prof. Dr. Gundula Zoch, 26111 Oldenburg, Germany.
  • Applications must be sent no later than 15.06.2022.

Plazo de presentación: 15/06/2022 (Susceptible a error de cálculo, comprobar siempre)


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