Convocatoria: Sociology Instructor – University of Manitoba (Canadá) (Plazo: 30 de noviembre de 2021)

Sociology Instructor – University of Manitoba (Canadá)

Organismo: University of Manitoba (Canadá)


We are seeking a candidate with demonstrated experience and success in teaching introductory-level courses in Sociology and the ability to engage students with a range of teaching technologies and methods.

Master’s degree in Sociology is the minimum educational requirement for this position; doctoral-level training in Sociology will be considered a major asset. 


Applications and supporting documents are to be sent by e-mail to:

Chair, Search Committee
Department of Sociology and Criminology
Phone: (204) 474-6445
Position no. 30991

Plazo de presentación: 30/11/2021(Susceptible a error de cálculo, comprobar siempre)


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