Sociology (Sociology of Migrations) Assistant Professor – Université de Montréal
Organismo: Université de Montréal
- Ph. D in Sociology or another discipline in social sciences appropriate to the position;
- Demonstrated ability to provide high quality university teaching;
- In-depth and up-to-date knowledge in the field of sociology of migrations;
- Excellent publication record;
- Adequate knowledge of French (both written and spoken) or strong commitment to acquiring the required proficiency level in accordance with Université de Montréal’s Language Policy. An institutional learning support program is offered to all professors wishing to learn French or improve their communication skills.
Solicitudes: Application file and letters of recommendation must be sent to:
Marianne Kempeneers
Full professor and chair
Département de sociologie
Faculté des arts et des sciences
(514) 343-5772
Plazo de presentación: 15/11/2021(Susceptible a error de cálculo, comprobar siempre)
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