Convocatoria: EU Affairs Policy Officer – ESTA – European Smoking Tobacco Association E.E.I.G. (Plazo: 22 de octubre de 2021)

EU Affairs Policy Officer – ESTA – European Smoking Tobacco Association E.E.I.G.

Organismo: European Smoking Tobacco Association E.E.I.G.


  • University degree in a relevant field (European law, Political Science, etc.);
  • Fluent in English and a good command of at least one other EU language;
  • Good understanding of EU decision-making processes;
  • 3-5 years minimum relevant working experience with an EU institution, Brussels Consultancy, or “In-House” corporate affairs role;
  • Well developed oral and written communication skills (English); and
  • Strong analytical- and networking skills.


Send your application:

Post: The European Smoking Tobacco Association, attn. Peter van der Mark, Rond point Schuman 9, Box 1, B-1040 Brussels.

Plazo de presentación: 22/10/2021 (Susceptible a error de cálculo, comprobar siempre)


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