Convocatoria: Three 2-year Postdoctoral Fellowships at the Zukunftskolleg – University of Konstanz (Plazo: 15 de octubre de 2021)

Three 2-year Postdoctoral Fellowships at the Zukunftskolleg – University of Konstanz

Organismo: University of Konstanz


You should be in possession of a doctoral degree granted between October 15, 2019 and December 31, 2021. Earlier graduation dates can be accepted in case of maternity/paternity leave, or working contracts outside academia

Candidates must not hold a permanent professorship, or have a habilitation or equivalent (Venia legendi). Candidates with their own position funded by another program, which can be transferred to Konstanz, are also eligible

Applicants must propose a research project that ties in with a discipline represented at the University of Konstanz. Applicants should contact potential mentors (Local Hosts) among the researchers at the University of Konstanz in order to ensure appropriate affiliation. Support from a department strengthens the application

International experience in teaching or research, and a strong interest in interdisciplinary topics are desirable


All applications and supporting materials (letter of motivation, research proposal, curriculum vitae, writing sample and two letters of reference) must be submitted in English via the Online Application Platform including reference number 2021 /153 at:

Plazo de presentación: 15/10/2021 (Susceptible a error de cálculo, comprobar siempre)


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