Associate Professor in Political Science (Full-time position) – Aarhus University
Organismo: Aarhus University.
- Applicants must possess research qualifications and teaching skills corresponding to those obtained after successful completion of a period of employment as an assistant professor, but equivalent academic qualifications may also be accepted, i.e. applicants have typically 3-8 years of teaching and research experience after completion of their PhD.
- It is required that non-Danish speakers within a short period (3 years as a maximum) acquire a reasonable knowledge of Danish. If necessary, the department will grant time off from teaching to attend Danish courses during the first two years of employment.
- The applicant must have produced and published a significant body of independent, high-quality research, and must demonstrate progression in the form of research publications that go beyond the PhD dissertation, either thematically, theoretically, methodologically and/or empirically.
- A qualified applicant has at least three to five articles published or accepted for publication in high standard, international, peer-reviewed journals or fewer articles but also a book published with an internationally recognized publisher. A significant part must have been produced after finishing the PhD degree.
- A qualified applicant must have experience from teaching several courses at different levels and on different topics. 6-8 courses are normally a minimum requirement.
All applicants submit a teaching portfolio, where didactical/pedagogical competencies are carefully documented.
Please submit your application here
Plazo de presentación: 16/09/2021 (Susceptible a error de cálculo, comprobar siempre)
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