Convocatoria: Positions of Directors for research, study and innovations – FBK-IRVAPP in Trento (Plazo: 30 de julio de 2021)

Positions of Directors for research, study and innovations – FBK-IRVAPP in Trento

Organismo: FBK-IRVAPP.

FBK-IRVAPP eligible applicants are professors or researchers in Economics, Sociology, Statistics, affiliated with public or private universities or research institutes of international standing.
While for FBK-ISR eligible applicants are professors or researchers in Theology, Philosophy, History, Law or other disciplines in the humanities and social sciences, affiliated with public or private universities or research institutes of international standing.

Applications for the positions of Directors for research, study, and innovations of the Foundation respectively for the Research Institute for the Evaluation of Public Policies (FBK-IRVAPP) and the Center for Religious Studies (FBK-ISR) must be sent to by July 30, 2021, at 12.00 (noon, Italian time) in the form of a written proposal in which the above premise, prerequisites, and goals are to be illustrated at three and six years from now, according to the candidate’s personal view (at most four pages with 1500 characters each). An updated Curriculum Vitae must be attached with the proposal, listing relevant publications and/or other R&D products of any description, the candidates’ scientific and managerial experiences, and their relational networks in the relevant community.

Plazo de presentación: 30/07/2021 (Susceptible a error de cálculo, comprobar siempre)


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