Convocatoria: Professorship in Social and Behavioral Data Science – University of Konstanz (Plazo: 4 de julio de 2021)

Professorship in Social and Behavioral Data Science – University of Konstanz

Organismo: University of Konstanz

The successful candidate develops and applies computational and data-intensive methods to study human behavior and social interaction, and has domain expertise in one of the social and behavioral sciences (economics, political science, psychology, sociology, or a related field). Possible focus areas are, among others, the analysis of unstructured data (text, audio, image, video) or causal inference (causal machine learning, causal discovery). The holder of the position takes, together with the simultaneously advertised professorship in Data Analytics and Computational Statistics, a leading role in the interdisciplinary Master’s program in Social and Economic Data Science (SEDS), and is committed to the development of the emerging field of Data Science at the University of Konstanz.


We look forward to receiving your application with the usual documents (cover letter, CV including a list of publications and details on teaching experience, two relevant academic papers, copies of academic certificates, and teaching evaluations) as a single pdf-file by July 4th, 2021 via our Online Application Portal:

Plazo de presentación: 04/07/2021 (Susceptible a error de cálculo, comprobar siempre)


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