Convocatoria: Sociology Assistant Professor – Brock University (Canadá) (Plazo: 6 de marzo de 2021)

Sociology Assistant Professor – Brock University (Canadá)

Organismo: Brock University (Canadá)

PhD in Sociology or closely related field by the date of the appointment or shortly thereafter; demonstrated excellence in research; demonstrated excellence in university teaching.

Notes: Interested candidates are invited to submit along with the letter of application: a curriculum vitae, a research dossier demonstrating excellence in research (e.g. reprints/preprints of publications, outline of past and present research activities, outline of anticipated future research activities etc.) a teaching dossier demonstrating excellence in university teaching (e.g. summaries of course evaluations, letters from instructional experts, department chairs etc.) All documents must be submitted in electronic format (a single PDF document is preferred) via the Workday online application system

Plazo de presentación: Hasta 06/03/2021 (Susceptible a error de cálculo, comprobar siempre)

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