Convocatoria: Doctoral Student for the research programme ‘The History of European Union Employment Law’ – The Max Planck Institute (Plazo: 1 de marzo de 2020)

Doctoral Student for the research programme ‘The History of European Union Employment Law’ – The Max Planck Institute


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Organismo: The Max Planck Institute


You hold a first class or high upper second class degree, preferably in law, alternatively in a different branch of the humanities or social sciences. You work independently, are fully proficient in the English or French language and willing to learn German if necessary.

Your CV should demonstrate your potential to pursue research at a very high international level. You are able to work independently and are committed to adopt interdisciplinary and comparative approaches.


Please provide your referees with all the documents that you submit for your application and ask them to send their references direct to by the closing date of 1 March 2020. References may only be submitted by email. They do not have to be signed as long as they are emailed from the official mail address of the referee.

Plazo de presentación:

01/03/2020 (Susceptible a error de cálculo, comprobar siempre)





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