Convocatoria: PostDoc thematic focus «Radicalisation and Terrorism» – Peace Research Institute Frankfurt (Plazo: 5 de enero de 2020)

PostDoc thematic focus «Radicalisation and Terrorism» – Peace Research Institute Frankfurt


Organismo:  Peace Research Institute Frankfurt
At least a very good doctorate in political science, sociology or another relevant discipline; research focus in the field of terrorism and/or political violence; good knowledge of qualitative and/or quantitative social science methods; language skills in the Arab world are an advantage.


Please send your application documents including a motivation letter, a complete CV, certificates and an outline of your research project of not more than three pages by January 5, 2020 via e-mail to bewerber(at) Please include the position code (Kennziffer) 3.2.
Plazo de presentación: 05/01/2020

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