Convocatoria: Professor of «Economics of Social Policy»- University of Bremen (Plazo: 7 de octubre de 2019)

Professor of «Economics of Social Policy»- University of Bremen

Organismo: University of Bremen



The successful candidate has a strong research background in Economics with an interdisciplinary approach and will represent both in teaching as well as research the areas of inequality and social policy using behavioral economic approaches and experimental methods.


The professorship on «Economics of Social Policy» is assigned to the discipline of political science at the University of Bremen and based at the SOCIUM Research Center on Inequality and Social Policy. The SOCIUM is the only research center in Germany combining social science research on inequality and social policy. The professorship on «Economics of Social Policy» participates in the macro-economic foundation and micro-economic analyses of social policy and inequality research. The successful candidate is expected to provide excellent teaching of economic analysis of social policy and on macro-economic consequences of social policies. Supervision and training of Phd Students at BIGSSS (Bremen International Graduate School of Social Sciences) is welcome.


The professorship requires broad knowledge of economic – especially experimental and micro-empirical – research on social policy and inequality. Applicants are expected to have skills and experience in this field and methodological area. Research expertise on political orientations, social preferences and social identities is required. Successful candidates should have experience in interdisciplinary research and a record of international publications and interdisciplinary research projects.



Applications should include a CV (copies of diplomas), documentation of research and teaching activities and a meaningful letter of motivation. All documents together with three publications (in three separate pdf-files) pertinent to the denomination of the professorship should be sent by October 7th, 2019, stating the reference number P 821/19 to the dean Prof. Dr. Karin Gottschall under the following address:

  • Dekanin des Fachbereichs 08
  • Universität Bremen
  • Postfach 330 440
  • 28334 Bremen
  • or via e-mail to:


Plazo Estimado de Presentación: 07/10/2019 (Susceptible a error de cálculo, comprobar siempre)


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