Convocatoria: Lise Meitner Excellence Program (for female scientists in an early stage) – Max Planck Institute (Plazo: 15 de marzo de 2019)

Lise Meitner Excellence Program (for female scientists in an early stage) – Max Planck Institute

Organismo: Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research


The successful candidates will be offered a Lise Meitner Group at a suitable Max Planck Institute for an initial period of five years. This includes a W2 position (equivalent to an assistant or associate professor level) and additional resources for research positions, as well as a budget to realize the project. The total funding for a Lise Meitner Group is competitive with top start-up packages in international career development programs.



The purpose of the Lise Meitner Excellence Program is to increase the number of female scientists on high-level positions, as they are still underrepresented in the Max-Planck-Gesellschaft. Though principally open to all applicants, the program primarily focuses on the recruitment of highly qualified women (for details see:

The successful candidates will have the option to participate in a tenure track program that leads to a tenured W2 position and continued financial support of the research group after a successful evaluation.


 Plazo Estimado de Presentación: 15/03/2019



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