PHD Scholarships – Giessen University‘s (Plazo: 1 de febrero de 2018)

PHD Scholarships – Giessen University‘s


Organismo: Giessen University‘s

Plazas: 11



The GCSC expects scholarship holders to:

  • Pursue a dissertation project that contributes to the GCSC‘s research profile* and can be supervised at the Justus Liebig University,
  • Actively participate in one of the GCSC‘s research areas* by initiating, coordinating and documenting collaborative research projects, such as conferences or publications,
  • Participate in the GCSC‘s curriculum.


The GCSC offers a research-intensive environment and comprehensive, multi-tier supervision at all stages of a dissertation project via, e.g. interdisciplinary research colloquia and professional support in preparing academic papers and conferences. The GCSC Teaching Centre offers systematic qualification in higher education teaching; opportunities to teach at the BA level are available.

Eligibility: We invite applications from students who graduated with excellent marks (from two-year research-track master‘s programmes in one of the GCSC‘s academic subjects* or the arts/humanities, cultural studies or social sciences no longer than two years ago as well as from students who expect to obtain a first or upper second class honours M.A. degree (or the equivalent).

The GCSC encourages applications which make a significant contribution to the study of culture in various historical contexts, including contemporary phenomena. An international research perspective, i.e. international study experience, is an advantage.

The GCSC‘s working languages are German and English, and applicants must be fluent in at least one of them; knowledge of both is an advantage and should be acquired during the scholarship period.



 The main selection criteria are the candidates‘ academic qualifications, the academic quality of the research proposal and the suitability of the project for the GCSC‘s research programme. Short-listed candidates will be invited to a 30-minute interview.


Plazo Estimado de Presentación: 1/02/2018


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