Convocatoria: Political science/assistant professor – dalhousie university (Plazo: 1 de diciembre de 2017)

Political science/assistant professor – dalhousie university

Organismo: Dalhousie University

Requisitos:  The department is open to candidates with a range of specific research specializations. Applicants must have a completed PhD by the date of appointment; a promising research profile and agenda; and demonstrated potential for teaching excellence. They will be expected to contribute to both undergraduate and graduate teaching and supervision, and to the work of the Centre for the Study of Security and Development.


Solicitudes: Submit complete applications, including: a letter of application; a Curriculum Vitae; a writing sample (max. 25 pp.); a teaching dossier addressing teaching effectiveness and teaching interests; the names and contact information of three academic referees; and a completed.


Plazo Estimado de Presentación: 1 de diciembre de 2017

Bases: Dalhousie University

Convocatoria: Dalhousie University


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