Becas 45 Scholarships For Doctoral Candidates – CDSS. University Of Mannheim (Plazo: 31 de marzo de 2018)

Becas 45 Scholarships For Doctoral Candidates – CDSS. University Of Mannheim


Organismo: CDSS. University of Mannheim

Comentarios: Profit from an internationally recognized teaching and training concept, and lay the foundations to become an independent researcher. Our focus is on empirical and quantitative methods and their application to Business, Economics, and Social Sciences. Conduct research in a unique environment across all 11 program disciplines. Our courses are taught by over 150 respected faculty members and enhanced by excellent libraries and resources.



  • The Graduate School of Economic and Social Sciences (GESS) at the University of Mannheim offers excellent opportunities for highly motivated students with a quantitative orientation to pursue their doctoral degree in Business, Economics and the Social Sciences.
  • Highly qualified graduates are welcome to apply for the full-time PhD Programs starting in September 2018. Up to 45 scholarships will be offered to the best applicants.
  • Entry requirements:
  1. Master’s degree (research oriented) or excellent Bachelor’s degree in the respective field
  2. Letter of motivation explaining why you want to join one of our programs
  3. Two letters of recommendation from university professors
  4. Test scores Business Program: GMAT or GRE (preferably GMAT)
  • Economics Program: GRE
  • Social Sciences Program: TOEFL
  1. Writing sample (e.g. a paper you have written during your studies)


Número de Becas: 45


Dotación de la Beca: Admitted students receive a scholarship and there is no tuition fee. CDSS students are usually financed by a scholarship during the first year (1.200 €/month) of their studies.


Solicitudes: If you would like to be considered for early offers, please complete and submit your application by January 15, 2018 for the program in Economics or January 31, 2018 for the programs in Business and Social Sciences.


Plazo Estimado de Presentación: 31/03/2018



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